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week 25: Hard-knock life

Settling back home has not been an easy task, most importantly maintaining the same productivity that Had during my final major Project.

Fortunately, I've been able to set up my computer at my dad's office, and so I've been able to create a studio environment, which if I might say has proved to work.

so this week, I began working on my female bust to practice sculpting the human face, but also to practice hair sculpting and fine pour detail.

Here is my reference: Chinese Model Fei Fei Sun

My Progress:

Hair progress:

Whilst I'm working, I've been able to get some great advise from Blair Armitage and Kat Unsworth!!!

Blair Armitage 'Aigis'
Kat Unsworth 'Dropbear-DJ'

They Both instructed that I pay attention to the basic forms and shapes, and of course KEEP IT CLEAN!

I Must admit, I've been finding things very hard this week. Regardless of working everyday, I still do not feel like I'm making enough progress to justify my work ethic. I'm sure you can tell this has lead to a number of moments of frustration.

I'm sure I'll be able to get through this, perhaps if I re-arrange my hours and give my self goals to work towards, I might be able to begin focusing and this might yield higher results.

Let's see what happens, thanks for reading!



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